Thank you + Updates
With this post I simply want to convey a big thank you to all my readers and especially to those who took the time to give me a precious feedback/review on my first book "A Prayer for the necromancer". I don't put a like to comments nor do I comment on them, and that is not because I don't read them, but because I want to keep my mind open to both supportive feedback as well as the constructive-low rating reviews. But, I do read every review and I must admit that, with the risk of sounding cheesy, when I read the positive effect that my story had on a person, my heart fills with immense joy and gratitude. My dream is to write and when people tell me what they feel about my book – especially when they write that my words make them ponder and reflect on certain scenes - I am very happy. Having said that, I have a couple of news I wish to share here on my blog. First, I have taken to heart the constructive criticisms of my book which praised the story line but at ...